Monday, November 23, 2009

Baking With Monstergirlee (Thanksgiving Prep)

Today I baked Banana Bread, Pecan Pie and tried a new technique on my turkey, I went with a Dry Brine. Basically you salt the turkey and let it sit for 3 days. Supposed to be good.
Banana Bread

Pecan Pie
Pecan Pie

And the Turkey, kind of an unappetizing picture but since it was part of the days food prep, here it it. The salt too.

Sea Salt to Use With Turkey
Turkey to Brine

It a four photo bonanaza today - enjoy.


Undomestic Diva said...

Your photos are awesome to the point of me gagging at the nekkid turkey/chicken/naked baby at the end there. *shivers* (Can't stand to touch raw chicken or turkey - feels like a headless baby to me. I might have issues. MIGHT.)

Anonymous said...

Let me know how the turkey comes out. Sure looks like a turkey...
Thanks again for the sweet delivery!

jane said...

Let me know how the turkey comes out. Sure looks like a turkey...
Thanks again for the sweet delivery!

silly said...

I'm such a dork

monstergirlee said...

No way Sillya Anonymous Jane, you're cute as a button.