Saw this over at Canned Laughter - and woo-hoo!! - now Joie has chosen to interview me - (mostly because I asked her too - wink) and here it is. (And if YOU want to be interviewed - just follow the instructions at the end of this post)
1. Your photos are AMAZING! Where did you learn to take pictures?
Thank you! I have seriously been interested in photography since I was in… 4th grade I think? I got some little box camera for christmas, took a photo class at school, and just always like taking photos. I took photography for one quarter in high school – borrowed my neighbors 35 mm camera (and a couple nice lenses) and had a ton of fun even developing and printing my own photos. I got my first 35 mm camera – a Minolta SRT201 when I was 19. hmmm… a history of photo taking but not where I learned. Mostly I take photos to please myself – and when I see pictures that others have taken I try to memorize what I like most, and use that next time I’m out. If you look at this
post it is based on another photo bloggers photo. I do that kind of stuff all the time. And I’m still kind of old school in that most of my shots there is a little cropping, very little color correction, sometimes I’ll change a color photo to b/w. But mostly I try to take photos that I like SOOC (straight out of camera – I had to look that one up.) I work at it all the time too, I hope I’m improving. Sometimes tho, there are so many amazing photographers out there – I wonder why I even bother. So I keep trying to do better.
2. Do you have any photography idols?
Ansel Adams – the detail and texture and composition – there is no comparison
Annie Liebowitz – I love how much personality she puts into every photo.
I really like fashion photography and could just eat a vogue a day! I’m sure there are more but my brain doesn’t work as well as it used to and I'm drawing a blank.
I am inspired by many photographers every day –
Aimee at greeblemonkey,
Sheila at Dr Cason’s,
Dave at DBWalker ,
Scott at The Sartorialist to name just a few
3. Do you ever worry about your delicious photos of children falling into the wrong hands?Yes, yes I do and it has most definitely given me pause on more than one occasion. I don’t use their names, and I try to use unique labels for the photos, so sometimes I search for the images on google but haven’t found any yet. But my blog is also pretty obscure.
I do so love to photograph my kids – the joy from capturing a moment or expression (yeah I am a major dork like that) of one of my kids, the emotions those pictures evoke in me, I Can’t Not take photos of them, and post them. Plus my Mom, Mom-In-Law and many relatives look at my blog and they seem to want to see pics of the kids.
4. Do you prefer nature photography or industrial photography?
Both are wonderful and inspiring. Sometimes I find the nature part – especially this part of the country - to be almost too easy to photograph so I have to challenge myself and seek out the more industrial areas and make it look… not exactly beautiful, but aesthetically pleasing. Black and white is great for that.
5. What prompted you to become a blogger? Is it the same reason why you are still blogging today?I started blogging because I get compliments on my photos, and I just kind of wanted to share, to see what other people think of something that is so very personal to me, and to challenge myself – I want to post a photo at least once a day for a year. Also, I like having my own blog to link to when I’m commenting. And I’ve met some very cool people from blogging, its nice to be part of that group.
I guess I’m still blogging because yes, all the same reasons apply. And as I go from one or two comments a month to one or two comments a day – its fun. I read recently that comments are the currency of blogging – I think that’s wonderful and I try to spread the wealth around. Its gratifying to have other people, complete strangers say Hey – nice photo.
Thanks for playing and don't forget the rules:You have to link back to the original post( and also to my post and include the following in your post:
OK! your turn. Want to be part of it? Follow these instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.