And in my Thankful post - I forgot to mention the friends and aquaintances I've made through this and other blogs.
Hope you like the new look - I think it still needs a little tweaking, I'll see what I can do.
Greeblepix! Another entry for me Aimee at greeblemonkey's photo contest.OK, so I've posted this photo before but I really like it, and hope you do to.
And oddly enough, I am grateful for spiders (when they're OUTside) because they keep the flying insect population down, and because my son knows I like to photograph them- he calls out to me whenever he sees a good one. Or this morning he spotted two webs with dew on them, quite lovely they were.
Check out other other entries here.
Made some changes to the format and stuff - so I wanted to make sure it looked right.
Nice to see you twice in one day.